First SSLLS Meeting of the Year!

Tuesday, October 2, 2013, at 11:45 AM in Room TBA. Come check us out!

Our First Featured Post

Space Debris Remediation, by Loretta Tracy with research assistance by Justin Silver

Just Keep Swimming!

Law of the Sea!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Space Week - March 2012

Attention, Space Law Enthusiasts!  We are kicking off this semester with Space Law events and are hosting the first ever Space Week at the University of Michigan Law School featuring three fantastic speakers.  The event is also sponsored by the Society for the Exploration and Development of Space.

Lennard Fisk, University of Michigan
Lennard Fisk, Keynote Speaker, “Space as a Global Commons”
Tuesday, March 6, 2012 at 12:15 P.M. in Room 250, Hutchins Hall
Lennard Fisk is the Thomas M. Donahue Distinguished University Professor of Space Science at the University of Michigan, and he formerly served on the NASA Advisory Council.  He holds a Ph.D., from the University of California – San Diego in applied physics.  His expertise includes research on solar and heliospheric physics.

Matthew Schaefer, University of Nebraska College of Law
Matthew Schaefer, "Space Odyssey 2031: Competing Visions of Commercial Space Activity and the Role of Law"
Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at 12:15 P.M. in Room 250, Hutchins Hall
Matthew Schaefer is the Director of the Space, Cyber, and Telecom Law Program at the University of Nebraska College of Law.  He holds a J.D., magna cum laude from the University of Michigan Law School.  His areas of legal expertise include international trade and business, space, and cyber law.

Thomas Zurbuchen, University of Michigan
Thomas Zurbuchen "The Impact of US Export Control Regulations in Space Education and Innovation"
Thursday, March 8, 2012 at 12:15 P.M. in Room 138, Hutchins Hall
Thomas Zurbuchen is the founding director for the Center for Entrepreneurship, the Associate Dean for Entrepreneurship at the University of Michigan.  He holds a Ph.D., and M.S. from the University of Bern and researches solar and heliospheric physicis and experimental space research.  Dr. Zurbuchen is interested in space exploration and innovation.  Please visit his blog at:

Space Week Flyer 2012

View more presentations from spaceandsealaw.

Monday, February 6, 2012

First General Body Meeting is a Success!

This afternoon, we had our first general body meeting of 2012 and we would like to thank everyone who attended for making it a success!  For those of you who couldn't make it, here's a recap of what we discussed. If you have any questions or are interested in participating, please email us at  We look forward to hearing from you!

We are going to be kicking off the year with a big event - an entire week dedicated to learning moreabout the field of space law!  SSLLS will be hosting keynote speaker lunches each day from Monday, March 5, to Friday, March 9, 2012, so mark your calendars!  Each speaker  will have a different area of expertise and will address different topics about Space Law over a luncheon event with time for questions.  SSLLS is currently working on collaborating with different student organizations across our University of Michigan community to make Space Week a success.  We need your help to make this event a success, so if you are interested in volunteering, please email us at!  Stay tuned for more information about Space Week and our official list of events and speakers! 

Preview Weekends - March 15-17, 2012 and March 29-31, 2012

Attention Law Students:  Preview Weekends are coming up soon!  For those of you who attended a Preview Weekend last year, you know that it can be a great opportunity to learn more about the law school community and what it means to be a student at the University of Michigan Law School.  It is also a great way to interact with prospective students and a great chance for SSLLS to share more about what the fields of space law and law of the sea really are.  

SSLLS will be hosting events each weekend for prospective students and the law school community.  On March 15-17, we will be having a movie night with a hilarious, space-themed movie (details to be released soon).  We will also have a table set up to talk with new students about space law and the law of the sea.  On March 29-31, we will be co-sponsoring a night out in Ann Arbor with other University of Michigan student groups, so stay tuned for official announcements on that as well!  If you are interested in volunteering for either Preview Weekend, please email us at

The Website & Writing Articles

Our first Featured Post on Space Debris Remediation was actually circulated on the internet and retweeted several times by some pretty prominent people in the field of space law.  We would like to keep the momentum going and are looking for University of Michigan Law students who would be interested in writing similar, short articles for publication on this blog about various issues, developments, or current events in either space law or the law of the sea.  If you are interested, please contact us at!  We would love to work with you!

SSLLS also aims at being accessible through multiple social media networks.  You can subscribe to receive updates from our blog on the home page ("Follow by Email" under "Popular Posts"), you can find us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and you can watch our events when posted to our YouTube channel.  As always, we would love your feedback so feel free to comment and send us an email at  

Thank you!


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