This Friday (Friday, Gotta Get Down on Friday), November 9, the Society of Space and Sea Law will host our first speaker of the Fall 2012 Semester!
NASA Senior Attorney Richard McCarthy will speak about NASA today, the legal practice at NASA, as well as about legal issues with orbital debris and space instrument creditor rights from 11:45-1:00pm in Hutchins 218.
Then, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, November 13, the Society of Space and Sea Law will host our second speaker.
Former Secretary of the Navy, Donald Winters will be discussing Flags of Convenience, Classification Societies and the emergence of Port Control regimes as a corrective measure in Hutchins 218 from 12-1:00pm.
It's 'two' much fun.
Food will be served. Be there or be square.
A brief bio of Donald Winters, courtesy of Wikipedia.
NASA Senior Attorney Richard McCarthy will speak about NASA today, the legal practice at NASA, as well as about legal issues with orbital debris and space instrument creditor rights from 11:45-1:00pm in Hutchins 218.
Then, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, November 13, the Society of Space and Sea Law will host our second speaker.
Former Secretary of the Navy, Donald Winters will be discussing Flags of Convenience, Classification Societies and the emergence of Port Control regimes as a corrective measure in Hutchins 218 from 12-1:00pm.
It's 'two' much fun.
Food will be served. Be there or be square.
A brief bio of Donald Winters, courtesy of Wikipedia.